On September 5th Trump Officially announced the rescission of the 2012 Memorandum establishing the program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or “DACA”.
While you can read the full Department of Homeland Security Memo regarding DACA here, to summarize, the document states:
1) No new initial applications will be permitted after September 5, 2017.
2) Initial applications submitted prior to today will be processed.
3) Currently pending renewal apps will be processed.
4) Anybody needing to renew their DACA permits (where their work permits expire prior to March 5, 2018) has 30 days until October 5, 2017 to file a renewal application.
5) While not in the memo, it was stated on a press call that any new renewal for DACA grants will be for two years.
6) Current DACA grants and work permits will not be terminated.
7) Advance parole (or travel permits) will no longer be granted from herein out.
8) Anybody with a current advance parole application will be refunded their fees.
9) Anybody previously granted advance parole will be able to use it prior to the expiration date.
You can also view the Frequently Answered Questions on USCIS website for more information regarding the changes to the Dreamer’s program.
A Tragedy for American Immigrants and their Families
The changes to the Dreamer’s immigration program is a tragedy affecting 800,000 individuals who were brought here before the age of 16 and been in the United States before June 2007. While people are questioning what happens after DACA expires – nobody truly knows.
Whether someone gets to be placed in line for deportation in Immigration Court remains to be seen and depends on Congress to act. Congress has not been able to protect this group for many years, and will be expected to act within six months. If not, deportation is what the Trump administration has promised for everyone without status, regardless of whether they have contributed to society, paid taxes, and have American families (which they often do).
Again, this is an abject tragedy for individuals, families, businesses, and America. We encourage you to please contact your Senators and Representatives to let them know how important it is to save DREAMERS!
Senator T. Tillis (NC)
Senator R. Burr (NC)
Senator L. Graham (SC)
Senator T. Scott (SC)
Congressional Representatives Directory
Immigration Lawyer in North Carolina Helping Dreamers
If you are a Dreamer and have questions about what the DACA program changes mean for you, please contact the Immigration Law Offices of Neelam Bhardwaj in Greensboro, NC. We want to help protect your rights as an American Immigrant during the rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.